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Hear new songs.
Meet new talent.
Find your next show.

Support the creation of new works in Dallas.

Join us July 12 for the

2024 New Works Cabaret

We exist to celebrate new musical writers and bring their voices to YOU! Discover your next great production with us (and have a lot of fun).

What to Expect

Musical writers from all over the world have submitted songs from their new shows to be performed by DFW talent. After choosing the best and most promising, we’ve created an evening to showcase them. And you’re invited! We’ll also reprise some favorites from past staged readings and give sneak peeks at upcoming productions! Discover your next show here! 

Why You Can’t Miss This Event

  • Meet and network with the who’s who of the Dallas-Fort Worth theater community Artists, Directors, Creators of Theatre, & more all attend to meet each other and discover new works! You never know where your next contract or collaboration will come from! You’ll get to see new talent on stage or maybe even seated next to you!
  • Hear new songs, new shows, & new artists. Are you tired of doing the same four musicals written by the same four composers every year? The world is full of new and exciting works by diverse writers and we’re here to bring them right to you!
  • Celebrate DFW talent, new musicals, and the joy of theater! This evening will truly be very, very fun. We’ve been doing this for years, so we know how to have a good time and improve the musical industry while we do it.

Evening Schedule of Events


Bar Opens

Time to grab a glass at our cash bar so you can enjoy the evening to its fullest. Cheers to that!


House Opens

The show is about to begin. Find your seat (and network!) till the curtain rises.


Show Starts

The curtain is rising on new artistic genius! Are you ready for it?


Open Mic

Discover more original new work as our writers showcase their own material!

Here’s what last year’s attendees had to say…

“Too many excellent performances to choose a favorite. I’m in awe at your ability to fill a room with performers who can showcase the best of the creative works of your members!”

~Cathy Starnes, Ph.D.

“We were able to applaud the achievements of our colleagues and to hear the music that filled their hearts and minds become manifest under the brilliant staging and musical direction of Rebecca and the outstanding actors and singers she assembled.”

~Ruth Broyde Sharone

It was a room filled with high levels of creativity and experience. I enjoyed the opportunity to get feedback on my work and to hear other’s work presented so professionally.

~Katie Brady